Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne & Pimples

The exact cause of acne is unknown. It is usually the result of several factors combined:
Heredity may have a lot to do with whether or not you have acne.
The increase in hormones during puberty seems to be a major factor. These hormones can cause
oil glands to become more active. You may have noticed oily skin just before your acne began.
The oil does not cause the acne; it is just a sign that acne may get worse.
Acne is not caused by eating fried foods or chocolate.
Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne & Pimples
A pimple starts when a pore (an opening in
the skin) gets plugged up. The pore has a tiny
hair in it and oil glands at its base (Picture 1).
The cells which line the pores are so small that
they can only be seen with a microscope.
During adolescence these cells are shed
quickly. In some people the cells and oil stick
together and form sebum which plugs the
pore. If the pore is open, the result is a
blackhead. If the pore is closed, a whitehead is
The whitehead is the beginning of a pimple.
It forms when the sebum escapes from the
pore wall and gets under the skin. The body
tries to clean out the sebum and brings in the
white blood cells to do the work. The result is
a pimple. When the sebum gets deeper under
the skin, a cyst can form. A cyst is a deep and
uncomfortable swelling of the skin.
Unless they are squeezed, blackheads do not
usually cause pimples. Blackheads are not
black from dirt, but from certain skin
pigments (coloring) in the cells of the pores.
Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne & Pimples
If you scrub with an abrasive soap or pick at your skin or rub it too much, the walls of the pores
may break and cause more pimples. Squeezing or popping blackheads and whiteheads usually
causes more problems, including scars. Too much washing (more than 2 or 3 times a day) can
make your skin dry and cause the oil glands to work harder.
Foods like chocolate, sweets, colas, and fried foods do not make acne worse. But if a certain food
does seem to make acne worse, try eliminating it for a few weeks and see if that helps.
Some types of makeup may block pores; a water-based, oil-free makeup is best.
Moisturizers containing oil may also make acne worse. Avoid oil-based moisturizers and cocoa
butter. Also, do not use Noxzema®, Pond's Cold Cream®, or other greasy makeup removers.
Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne & Pimples
Medicines used to treat acne work better for some people than others. Your doctor can tell you
which medicine is best for you. You will need to tell us how it is working. Medicated lotions that
are put on the skin are used the most. The doctor will tell you how often to use the medicines. Start
out gradually, once or twice a day. Sometimes the medicine can make your skin red and dry.
Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne & Pimples
How to Use the Lotions or Gels
1. First, wash your skin with your hands using a soap
recommended by your doctor.
2. Rinse with water. Dry your face gently with a
clean towel.
3. Apply a thin film of medicine and rub it in gently.
4. Keep the medicine away from your eyes and the
corners of your mouth.
It usually takes from 2 to 3 weeks before your skin
adjusts to the medicine. Sometimes it is even longer
(4 to 6 weeks) before you can see real improvement.
At first you may notice more whiteheads and your
skin may actually seem worse for a time. Try to be
patient. Don't give up!
The doctor may prescribe an antibiotic for you to take by mouth. Be sure to read the special
instructions and warnings on the medicine's label. Let your doctor know if you’re taking any other
medicines including birth control pills, antihistamines, asthma medicines, and vitamins. Also, let
your doctor know if you may be pregnant or are planning a pregnancy.
instructions and warnings on the medicine's label. Let your doctor know if you’re taking any other
medicines including birth control pills, antihistamines, asthma medicines, and vitamins. Also, let
your doctor know if you may be pregnant or are planning a pregnancy.
Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne & Pimples
Try to be positive and not get discouraged. With proper treatment you can get your acne under
control. Be patient -- it doesn't happen overnight.
Pay special attention to hygiene. Wash your face gently 2 times a day with a mild soap (Picture
2). Do not use soaps that contain creams or perfumes. Do not use cleansing grains or abrasive
Shampoo your hair regularly (3 to 5 times a week). Style it away from your face and forehead. Do
not use a lot of mousse, gel, or hairsprays near your hairline.
Never squeeze pimples. Squeezing may produce scar tissue.
Follow your doctor's instructions carefully.
It is important to keep your follow-up appointments. Your medicines may need to be adjusted or
changed from time to time.
Tell your doctor if your skin becomes extremely dry or irritated, or if the medicine doesn’t seem
to be helping.
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Mark Joetay