Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne A Nightmare
Acne (pimples) is a very common skin condition that
affects most school students at some stage. Although it is
most common in secondary school students, it can occur in
primary school students.
Because acne is so common, many people think of it as a
normal part of growing up. However, acne can have
serious effects on the way a young person performs at
school and acts socially.
A pimple begins as a blockage to a sebaceous (see-bayshus)
(oil) gland duct. This usually starts at puberty
when certain hormones (androgens) (an-dro-jens) are
released. The hormones cause the sebaceous glands
to overproduce sebum (see-bm) (oil). We normally
have dead skin cells and bacteria on the surface of
our skin, which can combine with the sebum to form
a plug in the hair follicles, resulting in a blackhead
(comedone) (com-ed-own).
What happens then all takes place under the skin. Even
though the sebaceous gland duct is blocked, oil continues
to be produced and the gland keeps getting bigger and
bigger, a bit like a balloon. Bacteria grow in the blocked
gland and produce fatty acids
and other very irritating
substances. Eventually the
balloon bursts and releases
the irritating material. This
causes intense inflammation
(swelling) which is what we see
as the pimple.
Acne usually occurs on
areas where there are large
numbers of sebaceous (oil)
glands such as the face, neck,
chest, back and shoulders.
affects most school students at some stage. Although it is
most common in secondary school students, it can occur in
primary school students.
Because acne is so common, many people think of it as a
normal part of growing up. However, acne can have
serious effects on the way a young person performs at
school and acts socially.
A pimple begins as a blockage to a sebaceous (see-bayshus)
(oil) gland duct. This usually starts at puberty
when certain hormones (androgens) (an-dro-jens) are
released. The hormones cause the sebaceous glands
to overproduce sebum (see-bm) (oil). We normally
have dead skin cells and bacteria on the surface of
our skin, which can combine with the sebum to form
a plug in the hair follicles, resulting in a blackhead
(comedone) (com-ed-own).
What happens then all takes place under the skin. Even
though the sebaceous gland duct is blocked, oil continues
to be produced and the gland keeps getting bigger and
bigger, a bit like a balloon. Bacteria grow in the blocked
gland and produce fatty acids
and other very irritating
substances. Eventually the
balloon bursts and releases
the irritating material. This
causes intense inflammation
(swelling) which is what we see
as the pimple.
Acne usually occurs on
areas where there are large
numbers of sebaceous (oil)
glands such as the face, neck,
chest, back and shoulders.
Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne A Nightmare
Although we do not know the exact cause, there are many
things which can lead to acne and these vary from person
to person.
Acne does not usually develop until puberty when the
hormones which stimulate oil glands are first produced.
These hormones include testosterone (tess-toss-terr-own)
(a type of androgen) and progesterone (pro-jes-terr-own).
Acne usually appears earlier in females than males,
because females tend to start puberty earlier. Males often
have more severe acne than females, as they have much
higher levels of testosterone.
Acne can be made worse by certain skin products such as
cosmetics and sunscreens. Some products contain oils
which can increase the blockage in the oil glands. People
with acne should avoid using oil-based products.
There is no proof that chocolate, fatty or fried foods, dairy
products, cakes or sweets can cause acne or make acne
worse. For most people with a healthy balanced diet,
eating the occasional chocolate or sweet does not seem to
make any difference to their acne.
things which can lead to acne and these vary from person
to person.
Acne does not usually develop until puberty when the
hormones which stimulate oil glands are first produced.
These hormones include testosterone (tess-toss-terr-own)
(a type of androgen) and progesterone (pro-jes-terr-own).
Acne usually appears earlier in females than males,
because females tend to start puberty earlier. Males often
have more severe acne than females, as they have much
higher levels of testosterone.
Acne can be made worse by certain skin products such as
cosmetics and sunscreens. Some products contain oils
which can increase the blockage in the oil glands. People
with acne should avoid using oil-based products.
There is no proof that chocolate, fatty or fried foods, dairy
products, cakes or sweets can cause acne or make acne
worse. For most people with a healthy balanced diet,
eating the occasional chocolate or sweet does not seem to
make any difference to their acne.
Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne A Nightmare
Most people have been given advice on how to avoid
acne or treat acne, such as "get plenty of sun", or
"don’t worry about it – everyone gets it and it’s a
normal part of growing up". While those providing
the advice are trying to help, there are many myths
about acne. The following list provides examples.
• Eating chocolate causes acne.
• Acne is related to a bad diet.
• Acne is an infection and can be spread
from one person to another.
• Acne is an allergic reaction to something.
• All types of make-up cause acne.
• Acne is due to lack of
• Acne is caused by oily
• Blackheads are dirt
trapped in the skin.
• Squeezing pimples
will make them
• Lying in the sun or
using a sun lamp will
clear acne.
acne or treat acne, such as "get plenty of sun", or
"don’t worry about it – everyone gets it and it’s a
normal part of growing up". While those providing
the advice are trying to help, there are many myths
about acne. The following list provides examples.
• Eating chocolate causes acne.
• Acne is related to a bad diet.
• Acne is an infection and can be spread
from one person to another.
• Acne is an allergic reaction to something.
• All types of make-up cause acne.
• Acne is due to lack of
• Acne is caused by oily
• Blackheads are dirt
trapped in the skin.
• Squeezing pimples
will make them
• Lying in the sun or
using a sun lamp will
clear acne.
Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne A Nightmare
There are some very effective treatments for acne.
The treatment used varies between individuals and
depends on the type of acne. Treatment for acne
usually needs to be used for at least one to two
years. However, some people with minimal acne
may not require any treatment at all.
For primary school students, most of the acne
when it first occurs can be treated by applying
topical preparations such as creams, lotions or
gels to the skin. These are available from the
chemist/pharmacist without a prescription. Topical
preparations need to be used on all areas of the skin
where acne tends to occur, not just on the inflamed
spots present today. The aim is to prevent future
spots appearing.
Acne that does not respond to treatment with
preparations from the chemist/pharmacist may
require treatment prescribed by a doctor in addition
to the topical products.
Severe acne including nodules, cysts and scarring
may require treatment by a skin specialist to prevent
both the pimples and long term scarring.
The treatment used varies between individuals and
depends on the type of acne. Treatment for acne
usually needs to be used for at least one to two
years. However, some people with minimal acne
may not require any treatment at all.
For primary school students, most of the acne
when it first occurs can be treated by applying
topical preparations such as creams, lotions or
gels to the skin. These are available from the
chemist/pharmacist without a prescription. Topical
preparations need to be used on all areas of the skin
where acne tends to occur, not just on the inflamed
spots present today. The aim is to prevent future
spots appearing.
Acne that does not respond to treatment with
preparations from the chemist/pharmacist may
require treatment prescribed by a doctor in addition
to the topical products.
Severe acne including nodules, cysts and scarring
may require treatment by a skin specialist to prevent
both the pimples and long term scarring.