Saturday, 16 May 2009

Best Acne TreatmentTo Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar :The Surst Six Ways To Get Rid Of Acne,Acne Scar And Black Heads.

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:The Surest Six Ways To Get Rid Of Acne,Acne Scar And Black Heads.

They belong to each others .There is arelationship between them.But teens don`t like to continue in this relationship any more.Acne and acne scar make them Desperate from their lives.
Now we switch on the red alert to get rid of acne and acne scar.Teens always ask what is the best way to get rid of acne and acne scar.
What is the best acne treatment could we use.
If we want the best acne treatment to get rid of acne and acne scar we should know what is the cause of the acne and acne scar.
If we know that i think we will get the best acne treatment to get rid of acne and acne scar.
The main cause to any disease is our bad daily habits.
Oily food, Nervous mood and stay awake all the night are the main causes to any disease.
So the best acne treatment is good quality food,be relax and sleep enough period.
Now i will give you the surest six methods to get rid of acne and acne scar.
I consider them the best acne treatment:

1-The first method of the best acne treatment methods to get rid of acne and acne scar is good washing and cleaning of the skin.
Believe me it is really the best acne treatment method to get rid of acne and acne scar.

2-Early in the morning after wake up .Or before sleepe we use Toothpaste to wash our teeth.
Now we can use toothpaste to get rid of acne and acne scar .Yes it could be one of the best acne treatment methods to get rid of acne and acne scar .
Use white toothpaste on acne for 30 minutes then wash it with water and soap.

3-Now iam hungry i will go to the kitchen to see some thing to eat .
I found fenugreek .Yes fenugreek is the third method in the best acne treatment methods to get of acne and acne scar .
Make the leaves dry and aply it on your face for 15 minutes then wash it with warm water.
this method is effective against acne and blackheads too.

4-Are you like garlic ? No , me too . But what about using it instead of eating it.
Garlic paste is the fourth method in the best acne treatment methods to get rid of acne and acne scar.
Take fresh garlic and crush then apply it on the acne , acne scar and black heads .
It has avery bad odour but very effective against acne,acne scar and black heads.

5-In TV we see actresses applying the cucumber on their faces.
We can do that too . Yes the cucumber paste is the fifth method in the best acne treatment methods to get rid of acne and acne scar .
Apply it to your face and it will be very effective.

6-In our sitting room we have three chairs from sandalwood it is really so comfortable.
I decided to crush them and turn them into powder.
I know what you are saying now "are you crazy this chairs are now useless"
I say they not.The sandalwood powder is our sixth method in the best acne treatment methods to get rid of acne and acne scar.
Add water to the powder and apply it to your face at the sleeping time .
The effect will appear at the morning.

Thanks alot for your time i really enjoy with you , bye.

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