You can`t eat ,You can`t drink,You can`t kiss
Is there any problem on your mouth ?
What red papules on your lip . What a painful !
You wonder what is that red papules on your lips?
Simply it is acne my dear . Yes lips acne .
You got one of the most paiful conditions of acne .
For unknown cause acne grows on the lips .
It is very painful especially in chewing.
Imagine your life if you can`t eat , drink, kissing or even talking .
Your life become agreat nightmare.
Don`t suicide we got some useful tips of best acne treatment tips to get rid of that painful condition of acne and acne scar.
Now are you ready for this best acne treatment tips to get rid of acne and acne scar .
It is very simple and easy.
1-Prevention and prophylactic method :
prevention and prophylactic method is the best acne treatment method to get rid of acne and acne scar .It prevent acne before start.
It is very easy .Just follow asimple daily routine .Wash your face two times per day on the morning and before sleep
with mild bactericidal solution .You can add alchohol free toner but make sure that is suitable to your skin.
Do that regularly every day .This best acne treatment method to get rid of acne nd acne scar has avery good and fast effect.
2-Avoid touching the acne papules:
To get the best acne treatment effect to get rid of acne and acne scar you should avoid touching the acne papules .
Touching will never help you to get rid of the acne .
But it will help the bacteria to spread to other parts of your face.
So stay away from acne papules.
Regular exfoliation of your skin at least three times per week.
This will help you to get rid from dead cells on the skin outer surface.
This make the pores still opened.
Exfoliation is really one of the best acne treatment methods to get rid of acne and acne scar.
4-Diet quality:
Bad diet quality is the main source of acne .So the good diet quality is he best acne treatmentto get rid of acne and acne scar.
Try to avoid oily food and sugar.Go to good balanced diet which contain minerals ,vitamins,zink
and folic acid.
Eat fruits and vegetables they increase skin vitality.
5-Reduce pain and swelling:
To reduce lip pain and swelling apply ice on swelling every half an hour .
This best acne treatment method to get rid of acne and acne scar is very effective against pain and swelling.
6-Avoiding lip stick or gloss till healing of the acne .
Avoiding lipstick and gloss is important to keep the pores open and get the best acne treatment effect.
7-If the above tips fails try to go to dermatologist.
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