Saturday 11 July 2009

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:The Best Analysis Of Best Acne Treatment With Facial Images

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:The Best Analysis Of Best Acne Treatment With Facial Images

When patients are plagued by skin problems, they turn
to skin specialists for treatment in the hope that the
specialists will be able to make their problems go away.
However, most doctors and skin
specialists lack proper tools
for measuring skin disorders
objectively. Intent on improving
this situation, an NUS research
team has collaborated with
Singapore’s National Skin Centre
to develop a computerized
s ys t em for the anal ys is ,
classification and quantification
of various skin disorders.
Ex i s t ing me thods for
assessing skin can be slow
or inaccurate. For example, in treating a skin lesion, the
effectiveness of a treatment may be judged by changes in
the size and color of the lesion at every clinical visit, and
these changes may be subtle. Manual measurement of such
characteristics is tedious and impractical. Doctors often therefore
resort to subjective assessment by sight, but the results can
be inaccurate. Inaccuracy can lead to the waste of time and
money, as the doctor may not be able to prescribe the right
treatment promptly. It can also be draining for the patient since
inaccuracy can snowball into bigger problems — the patient may
lose confidence in the treatment and fail to follow the doctor’s
instructions. This affects recovery and the patient may even see a
new doctor, making things worse because the new doctor has to
start all over again.
Dermatologists commonly use visualization tools to magnify
the skin so as to see the skin lesions more clearly. They also use
digital photography to capture skin images for the purpose of
their records. Systems already exist to analyze skin color and
transdermal water content, and for the diagnosis of skin cancer.
There are also several devices used in cosmetic applications that
analyze skin oiliness and pore size, but these are not meant for
clinical use.
Our research team, in collaboration with the National Skin
Centre, has developed a system for the analysis, classification
and quantification of various skin disorders
affecting the face. The system consists of
a hardware device (Fig. 1) that allows a
dermatologist to easily acquire images of
a patient’s face, and to do so with high
consistency from visit to visit. The imaging
time is cut from five minutes with current techniques to less than
one minute, and the facial skin images capture finer details than
the naked eye can observe.
The system also includes software that analyzes the acquired
facial images to identify various kinds of skin disorder. It computes
relevant clinical markers including the number, size, and types
of acne, and the area of skin affected (see, for example, Figs. 2
and 3). These clinical markers allow dermatologists to monitor
and assess the effectiveness of a treatment objectively, and are
especially useful for disorders that heal gradually with slow visual
With the assistance of the system, doctors can provide the
best possible medical care to patients and communicate the
treatment status in an easy-to-understand manner, enabling
patients to objectively monitor their own treatment response. The
development of this technology, for which a provisional patent
has been filed, thus counters the problems of inaccuracy and
subjectivity in assessment of facial skin disorders.

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:What Is The Cause of Hirsutism and Acne in Women?

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:What Is The Cause of Hirsutism and Acne in Women?
Last month in Clinical Chemistry, Fiet et al. described
a method for the simultaneous measurement of eight
steroids in women with hirsutism and acne (1). The
method is simple and provides analytically specific results.
Importantly, the authors tested the approach clinically,
with encouraging results. The clinical evaluation
of patients with androgen-related disorders is often
challenging and new approaches are welcomed.
An assumption driving measurements of multiple steroids
in patients with hirsutism and acne is that these
conditions are androgen-related disorders, having as a
common denominator an increase in ovarian or adrenal
androgen production. Although it is important to rule
out significant abnormalities in ovarian and adrenal
secretion in patients complaining of such disorders, the
tenet that these skin manifestations of androgen excess
solely signi1r increased ovarian or adrenal androgen
production is no longer valid.
The effects of androgen on the skin may be dissociated
from other effects of androgen such as that on the hypothalamic-
pituitaiy-ovarian axis (2). Thus, a woman
who has hyperandrogenemia need not have hirsutism or
acne: Witness the woman with polycystic ovary syndrome
who is not hirsute (3, 4). On the other hand,
many women with hirsutism or acne may have normal
ovarian and adrenal androgen production. In this setting,
enhanced activity of skin 5a-reductase appears to
explain much of the abnormality, and specific markers
of this activity in blood have been suggested as useful (3,
Apart from these general considerations, practical
clinical concerns must also be contemplated in advocating
the measurement of multiple steroids. Ruling out
the extremely rare patient with an adrenal tumor may
be important, but a detailed assessment of adrenal androgen
production to determine adrenal enzymatic activity
may be unnecessary unless the concern of the
patient is pregnancy. For the complaint of hirsutism,
adrenal suppression with dexamethasone is not highly
effective; using antiandrogen therapy without corticosteroids
provides greater efficacy (8, 9). Thus, even in
the setting of enhanced androgen production, blockade
of androgen action may be more efficacious.
Nevertheless, the comprehensive data by Fiet et al.
are noteworthy in that a simplified method of analysis
with small volumes of sera has been described. Utilization
of the SPA methodolor greatly affects the efficiency
of the assay. A potential concern, that a particular
steroid may coelute into adjacent fractions, does not
appear to be significant: The assays are highly specific
and the reported recoveries appear to be good. The requirement
of only small volumes (<1>

Sunday 5 July 2009

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Pimples Over View.

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Pimples Over View.

What are Pimples?

Pimples are red, inflamed raised skin lesions that contain a small amount of pus.
They usually develop after blackheads or whiteheads become infected, and are
caused by clogged or infected pores. Pimples often appear without warning.
When a breakout of pimples occurs, it is referred to as acne. To prevent permanent
damage and visible scars on the skin, acne needs to be treated correctly.

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Pimples Over View.

What Causes Pimples?

One of the primary contributing factors to the outbreak of pimples is the
elevation of hormone levels that occurs during puberty or during the
menstrual cycle in women. Many teenagers are prone to pimple outbreaks as the
skin tries to adjust to the hormonal changes during puberty.
Hormonal changes associated with pregnancy, menopause, or stopping birth
control pills can also result in pimples. Other factors that can also worsen the
condition and spread the acne-causing bacteria include excessive cleansing of
the skin, picking or squeezing of pimples, food allergies, oily fast foods, and
the use of greasy cosmetics products. In addition, environmental toxicity can also
aggravate pimples.

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Pimples Over View.

Help for Pimples

There are various treatments available to control and prevent the outbreak of
pimples. Choosing the correct treatment is very important. The best treatment
for acne is to use mild, water-based products. Benzoyl-based creams
unplug pores and help to dry out pimples and acne, but can be very harsh on the
skin. Many acne and pimple creams contain ingredients which may bring about
unwanted side effects, and can sometimes cause more harm than good.
Combined with regular exercise, eating a healthy, balanced diet and drinking lots
of water can go a long way to help you to maintain a good complexion. Following a
skin cleansing regimen will keep your pores clean and encourage your skin
to breathe more easily. With patience and determination, this routine will ensure
fewer break outs.
Natural Remedies
Melaleuca alternifolia (Tea Tree Oil) is a therapeutic herb that has been used for
many years and has exceptional healing powers due to its anti-bacterial, antifungal
and anti-septic actions. Arctium lappa is used naturopathically for the
treatment of chronic skin disorders, including acne, eczema, psoriasis, and canker
In addition, herbs such as Aspalathus linearis are known for their anti-oxidant
and healing properties, while Bulbine frutescence is effective in preventing
skin infection, healing and soothing cuts, rashes, burns, insect bites, itchy skin,
cold sores, pimples, and other skin problems.

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Pimples Over View.

Helpful Hints to Prevent Pimples

● Cleanse your face with a mild skin cleaning solution
● Exfoliate regularly to remove dead skin cells
● Use only lukewarm water when washing your face, as hot water strips away
essential moisture
● Increase your intake of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants
● Choose skincare products carefully and use allergy and fragrance-free
products to avoid a reaction
● Avoid the direct sun, as tanning can worsen breakouts
● Drink lots of water to keep your skin well-hydrated and moisturized
● Detox your system by drinking herbal tea or drops
● Do not squeeze pimples, as this increases scars and spreads bacteria
● Stop smoking and limit alcohol, as both habits aggravate skin condition

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Pimples Over View.

The Natural Approach

While Western medicine has become the norm in many cultures, it is not the only
treatment option. Conventional western medicine, often called allopathic
medicine, is the system of medicine taught at most medical schools and most
pharmaceutical and synthetic medicines are manufactured and marketed
according to the principles of allopathic medicine. Allopathic medicine is also
sometimes called orthodox medicine.
Because most of us in the Western world have grown up in a society in which
allopathic medicine is the prevailing norm, we forget that, only a few decades ago,
homeopathic, herbal and other natural medicines were commonly available – and
freely used even by conventional doctors. While there are often heated debates
about which system of medicine is ‘better’ than the other, many responsible
doctors (whether they are allopathic or not) recognize that both have a role to play
in the treatment program.
Natural medicine has often been frowned on by conventional doctors, especially by
those who did not have sufficient knowledge of these medicines. However, it is
encouraging to note that some medical schools are now beginning to re-introduce
it into their course work, thereby providing doctors with a wider range of
treatment options from which to choose. In many countries, especially in Europe,
India and China, natural and homeopathic medicines are commonly prescribed by
conventional doctors and represent a significant part of the total annual drug sales.
Naturopathy is a branch of medicine (just as allopathy is a branch of medicine)
which operates according to the underlying philosophy that the body has an innate
capacity to heal itself. While natural medicines are often called ‘alternative’ or
‘complimentary’ medicines, they are, in fact, a unique and independent form of
medicine in their own right, well able to treat a variety of conditions. Perhaps the
term ‘holistic’ medicine is more apt, given the broad range of treatment options
and approaches which are to be found within the practice of natural medicine,
which encompasses many different disciplines, including herbalism, homeopathy,
iridology, osteopathy, chiropractic, therapeutic massage techniques,
aromatherapy, acupuncture and many, many more.
Most naturopaths will use a variety of treatment modalities in order to treat their
patients in a holistic way to support health, relieve symptoms and prevent future
disease. In fact, even the World Health Organization defines health as being "...
more than simply the absence of illness. It is the active state of physical, emotional,
mental and social well-being." This is a wonderfully clear description of holistic or
natural medicine, which strives to support health (thereby relieving or preventing
symptoms), rather than simply eliminating disease.
Although allopathic medicine certainly has a role to play and has made a
tremendous contribution to medical science during the past century, there is a
growing perception that it is not the only answer and that, in many cases, holistic
medicine can accomplish just as much, if not more – without the risk of side
effects, addiction and sacrifice to health so commonly associated with
pharmaceutical drugs. Contrary to common perception, and provided that they are
manufactured in the correct way, natural medicines can work quickly and safely to
promote healing.
In many cases, they can succeed where pharmaceutical drugs have failed. Despite
frequent reports that they are ‘unproven’ and ‘untested’, the opposite is true.
Natural medicines have a long history of usage and there is a wealth of empirical
evidence to support their effectiveness and safety. In addition, active clinical
research is carried out by many academic hospitals and universities to support the
extensive traditional and empirical evidence behind natural medicines.
It is also important to know that, like any medicine, herbal and homeopathic
medicines must be manufactured in the correct way, following acceptable
procedures and manufacturing methods to ensure maximum effectiveness and
safety. Due to the recent rise in popularity of natural remedies, many companies
have sprung up to take advantage of the market. Unfortunately not all of them are
equipped to manufacture to the correct standards, often resulting in a flood of
inferior (and sometimes even unsafe) remedies onto the market – and giving
natural remedies a bad name.
Even some pharmaceutical companies have rushed to claim their market share by
producing so-called ‘standardized’ extracts of herbs and offering these as superior
to the tried and tested methods of naturopathic manufacturing. Nothing could be
further from the truth. While ‘standardized’ extracts may offer benefit of easy
consistency of dosage (and cheaper more efficient production lines), they have
grave disadvantages. These include an increase in side effects as the medicines
produced in this manner lose the natural protective properties of the herbs. In
some cases, these side effects have proved fatal – as was seen in the liver toxicity
associated with standardized extracts of kava kava, a herb previously safely used
for generations without any known side effects.
Most naturopaths recommend what is called the Full Spectrum Method of
extraction – which retains the benefits of ALL the active ingredients within the
herb as opposed to isolating only one – thereby providing a more complete
treatment as well as superior protection against side effects.
Whatever your choice, always choose wisely. Research what is best for you. If you
have a chronic or life threatening condition, don’t make changes without first
discussing them with your doctor in order that your condition may be monitored.
Well informed and supportive practitioners will support patients who want to take
responsibility for their own health.

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Pimples Over View.

Related Natural Remedies:

MediAc: Homeopathic remedy temporarily treats symptoms of acne vulgaris
including blackheads on the face and body
MediAc is a safe, non-addictive, FDA-registered natural acne remedy containing
100% homeopathic ingredients selected to temporarily treat symptoms of acne
vulgaris including blackheads on the face and body.
Healthy skin is one of the best defences against the formation of
embarrassing pimples, pustules, and boils. MediAc helps fight off bacteria that
causes pimples and blackheads.
By addressing skin health at a cellular level via underlying tissue and sebaceous
glands of the skin, MediAc improves problem skin without troublesome side
effects, promoting skin health and renewal. It also improves the appearance of
bumps and flaky, irritated skin temporarily.
Learn more about MediAc
ClearSkin-A Gel: Natural skin wash with herbal ingredients for skin health and
ClearSkin Skin Wash - a 100% natural, safe and proven herbal wash for clean and
healthy skin that cleanses skin thoroughly without drying or flaking.
ClearSkin Skin Wash supports the skin's texture – also leaving an invisible
therapeutic layer on the skin to provide a natural barrier against
pollution and other environmental toxins for healthy and smooth skin.
Learn more about ClearSkin-A Gel
ClearSkin Skin Wash: Natural skin wash with herbal ingredients for skin health
and nourishment
ClearSkin Skin Wash - a 100% natural, safe and proven herbal wash for clean and
healthy skin that cleanses skin thoroughly without drying or flaking.
ClearSkin Skin Wash supports the skin's texture – also leaving an invisible
therapeutic layer on the skin to provide a natural barrier against
pollution and other environmental toxins for healthy and smooth skin.
Used regularly, ClearSkin Skin Wash is nature’s answer to a clear skin and will not
dry or upset the skin like some other products do. It is most effective when used
together with Clearskin-A Gel as a natural skin care routine to help you maintain
clean and healthy skin!

Thursday 25 June 2009

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne A Nightmare

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne A Nightmare


Acne (pimples) is a very common skin condition that
affects most school students at some stage. Although it is
most common in secondary school students, it can occur in
primary school students.
Because acne is so common, many people think of it as a
normal part of growing up. However, acne can have
serious effects on the way a young person performs at
school and acts socially.
A pimple begins as a blockage to a sebaceous (see-bayshus)
(oil) gland duct. This usually starts at puberty
when certain hormones (androgens) (an-dro-jens) are
released. The hormones cause the sebaceous glands
to overproduce sebum (see-bm) (oil). We normally
have dead skin cells and bacteria on the surface of
our skin, which can combine with the sebum to form
a plug in the hair follicles, resulting in a blackhead
(comedone) (com-ed-own).
What happens then all takes place under the skin. Even
though the sebaceous gland duct is blocked, oil continues
to be produced and the gland keeps getting bigger and
bigger, a bit like a balloon. Bacteria grow in the blocked
gland and produce fatty acids
and other very irritating
substances. Eventually the
balloon bursts and releases
the irritating material. This
causes intense inflammation
(swelling) which is what we see
as the pimple.
Acne usually occurs on
areas where there are large
numbers of sebaceous (oil)
glands such as the face, neck,
chest, back and shoulders.

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne A Nightmare


Although we do not know the exact cause, there are many
things which can lead to acne and these vary from person
to person.
Acne does not usually develop until puberty when the
hormones which stimulate oil glands are first produced.
These hormones include testosterone (tess-toss-terr-own)
(a type of androgen) and progesterone (pro-jes-terr-own).
Acne usually appears earlier in females than males,
because females tend to start puberty earlier. Males often
have more severe acne than females, as they have much
higher levels of testosterone.
Acne can be made worse by certain skin products such as
cosmetics and sunscreens. Some products contain oils
which can increase the blockage in the oil glands. People
with acne should avoid using oil-based products.
There is no proof that chocolate, fatty or fried foods, dairy
products, cakes or sweets can cause acne or make acne
worse. For most people with a healthy balanced diet,
eating the occasional chocolate or sweet does not seem to
make any difference to their acne.

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne A Nightmare

Most people have been given advice on how to avoid
acne or treat acne, such as "get plenty of sun", or
"don’t worry about it – everyone gets it and it’s a
normal part of growing up". While those providing
the advice are trying to help, there are many myths
about acne. The following list provides examples.
• Eating chocolate causes acne.
• Acne is related to a bad diet.
• Acne is an infection and can be spread
from one person to another.
• Acne is an allergic reaction to something.
• All types of make-up cause acne.
• Acne is due to lack of
• Acne is caused by oily
• Blackheads are dirt
trapped in the skin.
• Squeezing pimples
will make them
• Lying in the sun or
using a sun lamp will
clear acne.

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne A Nightmare


There are some very effective treatments for acne.
The treatment used varies between individuals and
depends on the type of acne. Treatment for acne
usually needs to be used for at least one to two
years. However, some people with minimal acne
may not require any treatment at all.
For primary school students, most of the acne
when it first occurs can be treated by applying
topical preparations such as creams, lotions or
gels to the skin. These are available from the
chemist/pharmacist without a prescription. Topical
preparations need to be used on all areas of the skin
where acne tends to occur, not just on the inflamed
spots present today. The aim is to prevent future
spots appearing.
Acne that does not respond to treatment with
preparations from the chemist/pharmacist may
require treatment prescribed by a doctor in addition
to the topical products.
Severe acne including nodules, cysts and scarring
may require treatment by a skin specialist to prevent
both the pimples and long term scarring.

Monday 22 June 2009

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne & Diet What Is The Relationship?

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne & Deit What Is The Relationship?

Establishing Cause and Effect Between
Diet and Disease

One of the challenges faced by nutritional scientists,
when they ultimately make recommendations regarding
what we should and should not eat, is to establish cause
and effect between a dietary element and the subsequent
development or prevention of disease. Figure 1
demonstrates the four primary procedures by which
causality is established between diet and disease.No single procedure alone can establish cause and
effect, nor can any single study prove causality.Observational epidemiological studies can only show
relationships among variables and cannot provide
decisive evidence by themselves either for or against
specific hypotheses. In order to establish cause and
effect between diet and disease, it takes more than just
observational epidemiological evidence. There must
also be biological plausibility in which evidence
gathered from tissue, animal and short-term human
metabolic studies support causality. When observational
epidemiological evidence is augmented by
biological plausibility studies and confirmed by
randomized controlled trials, the case for causality
becomes ever-more convincing.

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne & Deit What Is The Relationship?

Diet and Acne : The Most Recent Data

In addition to our ecologic study demonstrating the
absence of acne in the Kitavan islanders of Papua New
Guinea and the Ache hunter gatherers of Paraguay,1
two recent observational epidemiological studies also
support the notion that diet is linked to acne.2,3 In a
retrospective cohort of 47 and 355 women, after
accounting for age, age at menarche, body mass index,
and energy intake, Adebamowo and colleagues found
a positive association between acne incidence and
total (prevalence ratio = 1.22; p=0.002) and skim
(prevalence ratio = 1.44; p=0.003) milk intakes.2 In a
prospective cohort of 6,094 girls, aged nine to 15 years
studied from 1996 to 1999, milk drinking of all kinds
(total, whole, low-fat, and skim) was positively
associated with acne.3 After accounting for age at
baseline, height and energy intake, the prevalence
ratios and p-values were as follows: total milk (1.20;
Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne & Deit What Is The Relationship?

Diet and Acne : Under l y i n g P hy s i o l o g i c a l

Acne results from the interplay of six proximate factors:
• increased proliferation of basal keratinocytes within
the pilosebaceous duct;
• delayed keratinocyte apoptosis;
• incomplete separation of ductal corneocytes from
one another during desquamation via impairment of
desmosomal disintegration and subsequent
obstruction of the pilosebaceous duct;
• androgen mediated increases in sebum production;
• colonization of the comedone by Propionibacterium
acnes; and
• inflammation both within and adjacent to the
Despite the wholesale dismissal of diet as a potential
environmental factor underlying the development of
acne, a large body of evidence now exists that
demonstrates how certain foods and food substances
may adversely influence hormones and cytokines that
influence five of the six previously listed proximate
causes of acne.

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne & Deit What Is The Relationship?

The Dietary Glycemic Index

The glycemic index, originally developed in 1981, is a
relative comparison of the blood glucose raising potential
of various foods or combination of foods based upon
equal amounts of carbohydrate in the food.20 In 1997, the
concept of glycemic load (glycemic index x the
carbohydrate content per serving size) was introduced to
assess blood glucose raising potential of a food based
upon both the quality and quantity of dietary
carbohydrate.Table 1 lists the glycemic indices and loads
of various foods and demonstrates that refined grain and
sugar products nearly always maintain much higher
glycemic loads than unprocessed fruits and vegetables.
From an endocrine perspective, the importance of the
glycemic index and load is that they are closely related to
the insulin response. An exception to this general rule
is dairy products, which exhibit low glycemic indices and
loads, but paradoxically elicit high insulin responses
similar to white bread.24 Highly glycemic and
insulinemic foods are ubiquitous elements in western
diets and comprise 47.7% of the per capita energy intake
in the US. Figure 2 shows how high glycemic and
insulinemic foods, including dairy products, set off a
hormonal cascade that may ultimately result in acne.

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne & Deit What Is The Relationship?

Dairy Poducts and Acne : New Findings

In addition to having a potent insulin response, similar
to eating a slice of white bread, a recent dietary
intervention showed that a high milk diet for only seven
days caused insulin resistance in a group of 24 eightyear-
old boys. Insulin resistance in turn may promote
acne via the hormonal cascade depicted in Figure 2.
Milk is essentially filtered blood and as such contains the
full complement of hormones that are also present in
blood. Traditional theory held that consumption of
cow’s milk would not result in the transfer of cow
hormones into human circulation for a number of
reasons. First, in industrialized countries, milk is usually
consumed many hours or days after it is initially
procured. Many hormones such as the insulin
secretagogues (GIP, GLP-1) have very short half-lives

labile hormones. Further, the acidity of the stomach and
peptidase enzymes in the small intestine would also make
it difficult for any peptide hormones in cow’s milk to
reach the intestines intact with full biological activity.
Finally, the most daunting task of all would be for intact
peptide hormones to cross the gut barrier that normally
prevents intact proteins and large peptides from entering
Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne & Deit What Is The Relationship?

The Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor

Only 12 short years have elapsed since the discovery that
humans bear a hormonal receptor in their gastrointestinal
tract called the epidermal growth factor receptor
(EGFR). This trans-membrane, hormonal receptor is
very unusual in that it is expressed luminally—meaning
that it faces the gut contents rather than the
bloodstream. The location of the EGFR puzzled
scientists for years—why was it expressed luminally and
what was its function? Since, hormones always arrive at
tissues from the circulation, why should the EGFR face
the gut contents, which in effect are outside the body?
It turns out that the primary function of the luminally
facing EGFR is to stimulate healing and maintain the
integrity of the cells lining the gastrointestinal tract In
humans, the primary source of the hormone (EGF)
which binds to the EGFR in the gut comes from saliva.
Hence by swallowing saliva, the residual EGF contained
in saliva helps to maintain the integrity and promote
healing of the epithelial cells lining the gut.
The EGFR is a promiscuous receptor in that it doesn’t
just bind a single hormone (EGF), but rather binds a
large family of hormones including transforming
growth factor alpha (TGF-α), heparin binding
EGF(HB-EGF), epiregulin (EPR), amphiregulin (AR),
neuregulins 1, 2, 3, and 4 (NRG1, NRG2, NRG3,
NRG4), and betacellulin (BTC).34 Cow’s milk contains
no EGF, but does contain high concentrations of BTC,
amounting to 1.930ng/liter, Additionally, BTC is
quite stable and survives the pasteurization process and
is even found in high concentrations in cheese,36
Further, a low ph, such as may be found in the gut, does
not impair or prevent BTC from binding its receptor.
Finally, bovine milk contains peptidase inhibitors that
prevent human gut enzymes from degrading EGF
receptor ligands.38 In summary, BTC maintains all the
physical characteristics needed to arrive in the gut
intact and with full biological activity. But more
importantly, it can breach the gut barrier and enter
circulation by the transcellular EGFR route as depicted
in Figure 3.
Once within circulation, BTC then has the capacity to
bind EGF receptors bound in all epithelial cells,
including keratinocytes. BTC can bind the specific
receptors depicted in Figure 4.34
BTC from ingested bovine milk may contribute to
the pathogenesis of acne by its ability to increase
keratinocyte cell proliferation and to decrease
keratinocyte apoptosis. Further, BTC up-regulates its
own receptor, thereby causing additional signaling
through the EGF receptor pathway. In support of the
notion that increased flux through the EGF receptor
pathway by exogenous BTC from milk may promote
acne is the observation that EGF receptor blocking
pharmaceuticals cause non-comedonal acne in most
patients who are administered these drugs

Sunday 21 June 2009

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Secret Ways To Get Rid Of Acne Pimles: Natural Home Remedies

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Secret Ways To Get Rid Of Acne Pimles: Natural Home Remedies

Dear Friend,
If you are reading this article you are probably struggling with or know someone who
struggles with acne and you want to help. If so, I wrote this article specifically for you.
You see, I use to be someone who struggled with acne for a long time. I would get
horrible breakouts that were inconvenient and embarrassing. I, like many people with
stubborn breakouts, tried every product on the market that I could afford. Nothing
worked for me. I started to just settle for the fact that I would have terrible skin all of my
life, when a friend introduced me to, what was a completely novel concept.
I had been putting every product on my face that promised to reduce and control my
acne. But my friend, who also had acne problems, showed me a product line that treated
our skin “holistically”.
Of course the product wasn’t being marketed as a “holistic” acne treatment, but in
essence that was exactly what it was. What do I mean by “holistically”? I’ll tell you what I
mean in just a second.
So before I spent my hard earned money on yet another clear skin dream, I decided to
do some research. What I found was there were plenty of products that do a good and
sometimes even great job of killing the bacteria that causes acne, and unclogging pore.
These products work when we put stuff (the wash, the toner, the lotion) ON our face.
These topical products are certainly a key part of the acne free skin equation and should
be used as part of an effective skin care regimen. However, I didn’t find anyone who
paid attention to how the things we put IN our bodies affected our acne.
What We Put Inside Our Bodies is Equally Important to Achieving Acne Free Skin.
Turns out, there is tons of research on the vitamins and minerals needed to get rid of
pimples and maintain healthy clear skin. I have complied this research, in a nutshell for
you to read here.

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Secret Ways To Get Rid Of Acne Pimles: Natural Home Remedies

The Secret To Clear Skin

Health experts say that vitamins and minerals in all forms play an integral role in a
healthy complexion, whether the source is food, supplements, or even a jar of cream.
“Your skin is the fingerprint of what is going on inside your body, and all skin conditions,
from psoriasis to acne are the manifestation of your body’s internal needs, including
nutritional needs,” says Georgiana Donadio, PhD, DC, MSc, Founder and Director of the
National Institute of Whole Health in Boston. Dr. Donadio goes on to say that “When
combined with a good diet, the right dietary supplements can help keep your skin looking
not only healthy, but also years younger.”
Before I lay out the specific vitamins and minerals needed for acne free skin, lets, first
talk about the most common preventions for acne

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Secret Ways To Get Rid Of Acne Pimles: Natural Home Remedies


1. Good facial hygiene along with a healthy low fat diet consisting of fresh fruits and
vegetables, whole grains and lean sources of protein.
2. Eat a high fiber diet and drink plenty of water to make sure your body eliminates
toxins and wastes effectively.
3. Avoid greasy or oily cosmetics. These products should never contain mineral oil.
4. Soap dries out all by itself if you leave it too long in the shower with no water. So what
do you think it does to your face? Never wash your face with soap as it will over dry your
skin and cause you to produce more oil to compensate for the loss.
Control stress to prevent acne flare-ups.
So now that we have a basic idea of how to care for our acne prone skin lets now talk
about four key vitamins and minerals that are essential to the pimple free equation.

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Secret Ways To Get Rid Of Acne Pimles: Natural Home Remedies


What Is It?
L-Lysine is one of the essential amino acids for humans. An amino acid is simply the
building block of protein that is produced in our bodies. Because our bodies do not make
L-Lysine naturally, we have to get it from food or supplements. When I first saw this as a
necessary element to fighting acne, I thought, “what does protein have to do with
anything?” Well turns out that protein is an important factor in healing our skin. So when
we have a pimple that bursts, the proteins in our bodies help our skin to avoid scarring.
What Food Is It In?
This amino acid can be readily found in certain meats, poultry and milk. It is not typically
found in high amounts in grains and cereals. You can get small amounts of it in
vegetables and vegetable juices and in fermented foods like miso and yogurt.

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Secret Ways To Get Rid Of Acne Pimles: Natural Home Remedies


What Is It?
This mineral is particularly important for acne. In fact, sometimes acne results as a
symptom of having to little zinc in our bodies. Zinc works to clear skin by taming oil
production and may be effective in controlling the formation of acne lesions or help those
that are already on the skin to clear sooner.
What Food Is It In?
You can find zinc in food sources such as oysters, lean meat and poultry.

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Secret Ways To Get Rid Of Acne Pimles: Natural Home Remedies

Vitamin A

(Note- too much Vitamin A can be harmful to women who are pregnant of lactating.
Please check with your doctor before you take supplements of this vitamin.)

What Is It?
Vitamin A is necessary for the maintenance and repair of skin tissue. For this reason it
also helps to heal scaring and repair damage done by acne blemishes. Vitamin A that
we put on our skin makes a big difference, as medical studies show it to be effective in
controlling acne.
What Food Is It In?
Good sources of vitamin A are low-fat dairy products, such as yogurt and cottage

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Secret Ways To Get Rid Of Acne Pimles: Natural Home Remedies

Vitamin B6

What Is It?
Our bodies use this vitamin most readily although many of us don’t get enough of it in
our diets. Vitamin B6 has been shown to prevent acne flare ups, particularly in premenstrual
What Food Is It In?
Good sources of B6 can be found in bananas, eggs, oatmeal and rice.
As you can see, diet and nutrition are key elements to getting and keeping healthy clear
skin. In some cases, as it is with the mineral zinc, we may even breakout because we
are lacking that particular mineral. So a good strategy to clearing up acne is to use
topical products (the acne washes, toners and creams) but to also incorporate these
vitamins and minerals into your diet.

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Secret Ways To Get Rid Of Acne Pimles: Natural Home Remedies

What If You Don’t Always Eat the Foods to Get These Nutrients?

Because our lives are so hectic these days, many of us don’t have time to cook and eat
the way that we should. This is why you see so many products out there as nutritional
supplements. Most Americans simply don’t meet their dietary requirements by eating. So
if we can’t get the nutrients we need to keep our bodies going from food, what are the
chances that we can get the extra nutrients to keep our skin healthy from food alone?
Pretty slim is my guess. That is why taking a supplement that includes those four key
elements for acne free skin is a good solution.
There you have it. I hope you’ll use these not so secret elements in clearing up your
acne for good.

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Zeno Get Rid Of Your Pimples

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Zeno Get Rid Of Your Pimples

What Is Zeno?

Zeno is a handheld, portable electronic medical device
that is clinically proven to make pimples disappear fast. In fact,
for treating acne pimples, it’s the most scientifically advanced
and effective device available without a prescription.

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Zeno Get Rid Of Your Pimples
What does it do?

Zeno applies a precisely controlled heat dose directly
to the pimple through a metal pad. One treatment
lasts 2½ minutes. Two to three treatments spread over
24 hours clear up most pimples quickly. It’s that simple.

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Zeno Get Rid Of Your Pimples
How does it work?

Pimples occur when excess skin oil and flaking skin plug the
opening of a hair follicle and create the ideal environment
for acne bacteria to grow. Precisely controlled heat applied
for a specific period of time causes the bacteria to selfdestruct.
When the bacteria die, the pimple goes away.

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Zeno Get Rid Of Your Pimples

How many treatments does it take?

Two to three 2½-minute treatments spread over
24 hours are sufficient for most pimples. Often, only
one treatment is needed.

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Zeno Get Rid Of Your Pimples

Who should use Zeno?

Zeno is for people with mild to moderate acne. If in
doubt, ask your doctor.

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Zeno Get Rid Of Your Pimples

When should Zeno be used?

Use Zeno at the first sign of a pimple. It works best when
used on a pimple in the early stages of development.
Also, the sooner pimples are cleared up, the less chance
they have to leave scars.

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Zeno Get Rid Of Your Pimples

How does Zeno compare with
topical or oral treatments?

Zeno can clear up a pimple in just hours. Most other
medications can take days or even weeks to work.
What’s more, other than slight, temporary skin redness,
Zeno has none of the side effects described by most
topical or oral medications.

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Zeno Get Rid Of Your Pimples

Is Zeno safe and painless?

Patients included in our clinical trials experienced little
reaction to the low-level heat. Other than some temporary
skin redness following a treatment cycle, no other
adverse side effects were reported.

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Zeno Get Rid Of Your Pimples

Is Zeno all I need for acne?

Zeno does not replace good skin hygiene or a doctor’s
care. It is designed to treat mild to moderate acne.
Your doctor may recommend other therapies, depending
on the severity of your acne. Follow your doctor’s advice
and use Zeno for the occasional pimple.

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Zeno Get Rid Of Your Pimples

How do I learn more about Zeno?

Ask your doctor whether Zeno is right for you or visit our
web site at

Friday 19 June 2009

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne & Teens

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne & Teens
Definition and Symptoms

Acne, also called zits or pimples, is very
common. More than 80% of people have it
at some time, usually as teenagers. It
occurs when the skin’s oil glands become
plugged up. Most acne is due to hormonal
changes. During the teenage years, the
amount of hormones produced by the body
increases. This causes the oil glands to
grow larger and to make an oil called
sebum. This oil spreads out over the skin,
thus teenagers complain of oily skin. The
mildest form of acne is blackheads, which
form when the oil and dead skin cells block
the skin’s pores.
At times plugged material becomes
trapped under the skin, air can’t reach it,
and whiteheads or pimples form. Pimples
occur when whiteheads rupture and
become reddened sores. Bacteria feed on
the oil and weaken the oil gland walls.
They split the fat into fatty acids, which
are very irritating to the skin, and red
pimples may form. If the pimples are
located deeper in the skin, cysts may form.
Most breakouts occur on the face, neck and
back because these are the areas of skin
that have the most oil glands.
Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne & Teens
Causes and Risk Factors

People think eating certain foods causes
acne. This isn’t generally true, but if you
think that a particular food is making it
worse, try avoiding that food for 4 to 6
weeks. Eating a good balanced diet with
plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole
grains can’t hurt and may help your
complexion and your overall health.
Oily cosmetics and lotions may contribute
to acne. Try using water-based cosmetics
instead. If your parents had acne, you may
be more prone to it because of genetic
hormonal similarities.
Young women may
notice a worsening of
acne during their
monthly periods.
Acne can also be a
side effect of some
medication. Wearing
sports equipment,
i.e. chin straps,
shoulder pads and
tight spandex, can also cause you to break
Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne & Teens
What Can I Do?

To help remove the oil you should wash
your face one or two times daily. Use a
mild soap and water, but don’t scrub.
Irritation can make acne worse. Gentle
manipulation or sterile lancing of small
white or blackheads is OK, but squeezing
or picking at deeper lesions may increase
the inflammation, the blemishes, and the
risk of scarring.
For make-up, use products that are waterbased,
oil free or have the word “nonacnegenic”.
If you spend a lot of time on
the phone, keep the receiver clean of
makeup and skin oils, and wash your hands
Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne & Teens
Treatment and Prevention

Acne can be treated in different ways.
The main thing to remember is that it will
take about 2 months of treatment before
your skin starts to look better.
Some lotions and creams found in your
local drugstore can help considerably,
especially ones that contain salicylic acid
or benzoyl peroxide.
Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne & Teens

(Clear by Design, Oxy-
5) clears up acne for many people. You can
get it without a prescription and it comes
in gel, lotion, cream or pad form.
Before using benzoyl peroxide, gently wash
the skin with soap and water. Blot the skin
dry and begin with a 2.5% to 5% gel, lotion
or cream. Spread over the whole affected
area (don’t just dab it onto each blemish).
Use once a day at bedtime. Your
healthcare provider may suggest using it
once a day then work up to 2 x daily. If
benzoyl peroxide is irritating your skin,
decrease the frequency of use or use a
lower strength.
Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne & Teens

can be very effective for
acne. Available by prescription, they can
be taken by mouth or used in a lotion,
cream or gel on the skin.
Some antibiotics like tetracycline have not
been proven to be safe in pregnancy.
Always check with your healthcare
provider or pharmacist before using.
Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne & Teens

can improve acne
for many women. The overall hormonal
effect of the pill helps prevent acne from
forming. Some brands make help
complexion in some women, but worsen it
in others and vice-versa.
Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne & Teens

Differin) are prescription creams, gels, and
solutions that can be effective in treating
comedonal acne consisting primarily of
black and whiteheads. They are available
in several different strengths and are
usually rubbed onto the skin once a day. At
first, these medications may seem to be
making your complexion worse, but you
need to continue for several weeks to see
the good effects.
If you use tretinoin or adapalene, stay out
of the sun or use a strong sunscreen as
they increase your risk of getting a very
bad sunburn.
In addition, these drugs have not been
proven to be safe in pregnancy and should
not be used if pregnancy is a possibility.
This is due to the potential risk to the
Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne & Teens

is a prescription
pill that is sometimes used to treat severe
cystic or nodular acne that hasn’t gotten
better with other treatments. It has proven
effective in treating severe cystic acne and
in preventing scars. Typically, it’s taken
by mouth for 15-20 weeks.
Isotretinoin is quite expensive and requires
periodic blood testing of liver function and
Isotretinoin can cause serious side effects,
such as birth defects and miscarriages. It
should never be taken during pregnancy or
even one month before pregnancy. Women
must use birth control or not have sex
while taking isotretinoin, as well as for one
month before and after you start the
medication. Be sure to follow your
healthcare provider’s directions carefully if
isotretinoin is prescribed for you.
Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne & Teens

Most acne treatments take several
months to work. It is important to
continue using the medication as
recommended throughout the treatment

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne & Pimples

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne & Pimples


The exact cause of acne is unknown. It is usually the result of several factors combined:
􀂃 Heredity may have a lot to do with whether or not you have acne.
􀂃 The increase in hormones during puberty seems to be a major factor. These hormones can cause
oil glands to become more active. You may have noticed oily skin just before your acne began.
The oil does not cause the acne; it is just a sign that acne may get worse.
􀂃 Acne is not caused by eating fried foods or chocolate.

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne & Pimples


A pimple starts when a pore (an opening in
the skin) gets plugged up. The pore has a tiny
hair in it and oil glands at its base (Picture 1).
The cells which line the pores are so small that
they can only be seen with a microscope.
During adolescence these cells are shed
quickly. In some people the cells and oil stick
together and form sebum which plugs the
pore. If the pore is open, the result is a
blackhead. If the pore is closed, a whitehead is
The whitehead is the beginning of a pimple.
It forms when the sebum escapes from the
pore wall and gets under the skin. The body
tries to clean out the sebum and brings in the
white blood cells to do the work. The result is
a pimple. When the sebum gets deeper under
the skin, a cyst can form. A cyst is a deep and
uncomfortable swelling of the skin.
Unless they are squeezed, blackheads do not
usually cause pimples. Blackheads are not
black from dirt, but from certain skin
pigments (coloring) in the cells of the pores.

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne & Pimples


􀂃 If you scrub with an abrasive soap or pick at your skin or rub it too much, the walls of the pores
may break and cause more pimples. Squeezing or popping blackheads and whiteheads usually
causes more problems, including scars. Too much washing (more than 2 or 3 times a day) can
make your skin dry and cause the oil glands to work harder.
􀂃 Foods like chocolate, sweets, colas, and fried foods do not make acne worse. But if a certain food
does seem to make acne worse, try eliminating it for a few weeks and see if that helps.
􀂃 Some types of makeup may block pores; a water-based, oil-free makeup is best.
􀂃 Moisturizers containing oil may also make acne worse. Avoid oil-based moisturizers and cocoa
butter. Also, do not use Noxzema®, Pond's Cold Cream®, or other greasy makeup removers.

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne & Pimples


Medicines used to treat acne work better for some people than others. Your doctor can tell you
which medicine is best for you. You will need to tell us how it is working. Medicated lotions that
are put on the skin are used the most. The doctor will tell you how often to use the medicines. Start
out gradually, once or twice a day. Sometimes the medicine can make your skin red and dry.

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne & Pimples

How to Use the Lotions or Gels

1. First, wash your skin with your hands using a soap
recommended by your doctor.
2. Rinse with water. Dry your face gently with a
clean towel.
3. Apply a thin film of medicine and rub it in gently.
4. Keep the medicine away from your eyes and the
corners of your mouth.
It usually takes from 2 to 3 weeks before your skin
adjusts to the medicine. Sometimes it is even longer
(4 to 6 weeks) before you can see real improvement.
At first you may notice more whiteheads and your
skin may actually seem worse for a time. Try to be
patient. Don't give up!

The doctor may prescribe an antibiotic for you to take by mouth. Be sure to read the special
instructions and warnings on the medicine's label. Let your doctor know if you’re taking any other
medicines including birth control pills, antihistamines, asthma medicines, and vitamins. Also, let
your doctor know if you may be pregnant or are planning a pregnancy.

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Acne & Pimples


􀂃 Try to be positive and not get discouraged. With proper treatment you can get your acne under
control. Be patient -- it doesn't happen overnight.
􀂃 Pay special attention to hygiene. Wash your face gently 2 times a day with a mild soap (Picture
2). Do not use soaps that contain creams or perfumes. Do not use cleansing grains or abrasive
􀂃 Shampoo your hair regularly (3 to 5 times a week). Style it away from your face and forehead. Do
not use a lot of mousse, gel, or hairsprays near your hairline.
􀂃 Never squeeze pimples. Squeezing may produce scar tissue.
􀂃 Follow your doctor's instructions carefully.
􀂃 It is important to keep your follow-up appointments. Your medicines may need to be adjusted or
changed from time to time.
􀂃 Tell your doctor if your skin becomes extremely dry or irritated, or if the medicine doesn’t seem
to be helping.

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Choose Your Way :Natural Home Remedies Or Using Medicine

Best Acne Treatment To Get Rid Of Acne And Acne Scar:Choose Your Way :Natural Home Remedies Or Using Medicine

A dermatologist can help discuss the different acne treatments currently available including treating acne with laser acne treatment or other acne
surgeries. According to some researchers, the primary causes of acne are hormones and genetics, but this cannot account for every case. Natural
skin care for acne is usually overlooked as many people are focusing on alleviating the symptom instead of solving the root of the problem. It must be
stated at the beginning that an exact cause of acne is unknown. Despite the endless research that has been done to date, nothing has ever been
isolated as a primary cause for the development of acne. Teenagers are the most common sufferers of acne, purely because of the hormonal shifts
that are associated with puberty. According to some researchers, the primary causes are hormones and genetics, but this cannot account for every
case. There are many treatments out there for acne but they all target different skin types. It is important to understand your skin type before you start
any treatment in order to achieve optimal results. Once you have determined your skin type you can start an acne treatment and skin care. There are
many types of over-the-counter acne medication. Retinoids are a form of acne medicine that is produced from vitamin A and can be applied directly to
the skin typically in the form of lotions or creams. Topical retinoid acne medicines are useful for treating blackheads and whiteheads by helping to
open clogged pores. Topical prescription acne medicine may include ingredients such as zinc or retinoids. Benzoyl peroxide has been proven to be
safe and effective in combating lesions. It can also be used as a means of acne prevention once a breakout has cleared up by keeping the skin free
from acne causing bacteria. The only side effect associated with this ingredient is dry skin, and this can be avoided by the use of moisturizer. As you
can see, acne medication usually has its own side effects. While solving one skin problem, it may result in another type of skin problem and the
solution to your acne problem may be endless as a result. That is why natural acne is gaining popularity nowadays. The best acne treatment is the
most natural acne treatment simply because the ingredients used are friendly to your skin and your health in general. For centuries, civilizations relied
exclusively upon herbal and natural remedies for the treatment of every ailment, including acne. Some examples of natural acne treatment include:
Fenugreek leaves This remedy provides great prevention of breakouts and involves taking the fenugreek leaves, crushing them, and making a paste
out of them. Honey Mask Another natural acne treatment is the use of honey because honey has naturally occurring anti-bacterial qualities. It is often
applied to the face as a mask, killing surface bacteria. Burdock (Arctium lappa) Used as a blood purifier when taken internally and as an antibacterial
when applied topically. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) Used as a liver purifier. The leaves may be applied topically in a poultice. Chaste tree berry
(Vitex agnus) Indicated for acne associated with the menstrual period. Tea tree (Melaleuca alternifolia) Used as a skin disinfectant. It penetrates the
skin layer and kills the bacterials. You can purchase tea tree oil or tea tree cream easily from most pharmacies. Alternate Hot/Cold Compresses A
chief natural / best acne treatment that is recommended more often than not is the usage of hot and cold wet towel compresses to reduce swelling and
eliminate clogged pores--the major culprit in the production of acne. Oils and Juices Though it can seem odd, the benefits of using natural
substances like almond oil - which can actually help with the removal of acne scars - cannot be ignored. It is one of the best acne treatments. Apricot
juice helps to alleviate the presence of cysts by cutting through them. Because there are such a variety of approaches, knowing what is available will
reliance you in deciding what the best option for you. Considering the fact that a large number of acne treatments are available, it can be hard to
choose which one to try. It is a good idea to consult with a physician before using any kind of natural acne treatment.